Gamma Probe

The advantages

  • perfect combination of detection of Tc-99 and I-125 isotopes
  • easy switching between wired and wireless modes
  • multiple probes for use in a range of procedures
  • start timed count from Apollo handset
  • storage of timed counts eliminating the need for manual transcription
  • max count feature
    manual or Auto-range capabilities
  • fast calibration and enhanced diagnostics
  • large touchscreen display for maximum visibility
  • four audible signals
Care Wise Apollo Cart
Care Wise Apollo Wireless Probe and Dock


This device is widely applicable. Not only ideal for the detection of I-125 seeds in breast tumors, but also useful for applications in:
head-neck cancer
parathyroid gland
laparoscopic examination


De gammaprobe is geschikt voor lokalisatie en identificatie van I-125 en Tc-99 isotopen.

Probes and Collimators

  • OmniProbe® Collimator is available in either straight or angled orientation for the most common procedures
  • Omniprobe® Lechner Collimator narrows directionality further with a smaller aperture and is optimal for head-neck procedures
  • OmniProbe® PET used for detecting FDG and other PET emitting isotopes
  • OmniProbe® EL for Laparoscopic use (available in 0°, 20° or 90°)
C-Trak Apollo Wireless/Wired Gamma Probe Collimators
Care Wise Apollo Monitor and Probe

Superiour directionality

The direction of a gamma probe is determined not only by the collimation, but also by the energy of the gamma rays. Incoming gamma rays are deflected by scattering in the tissue. This scattered radiation, known as Compton Scattering, can misrepresent where the biopsy is of interest, especially if it is deep within the tissue.
The C-Trak Apollo system uniquely eliminates stray radiation to provide superior directionality. The surgeon can then operate in the right direction to find the tissue of interest, making smaller incisions while sparing healthy tissue.


  • Mobile workstation to store all system components
  • Foot pedal for optional use with wired probe system
Care Wise Apollo Cart

Distribution in the Netherlands

We are a distributor for C-Trak Apollo gamma probes from Southern Scientific ltd. in the Netherlands.


Would you like to know more or see how the C-Trak Apollo works exactly? We are happy to come to the desired location for additional explanation and a demonstration.

Pink Ribbon. Wij steunen de strijd tegen borstkanker
We support the fight against breast cancer

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